Thursday, May 17, 2007

List of E-mail Greetings and Closings?

A site visitor to writes:

I struggle with e-mail closings, as well as greetings. You did address the need for a Hi, Hello, etc. in one of your e-mails, are there other appropriate salutations? I would also appreciate list of closures to choose from. Perhaps you could ask your readership for contributions to create a list?
I do have an article on my Web site for your review titled E-mail Sign-Off Considerations that you may find helpful. The article includes a healthy list of suggestions you can use.

As far as greetings, Hi, Hello, Howdy, G'Day and Dear -- about cover it all. I've encountered many a creative greeting and sign-off over the years. Too many to track or list, so I stick with the basics when giving advice on these topics.

Maybe some of my readers will jump in with their most creative, funny, helpful and recommended greetings and closings and share their favorites with us?

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