Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday E-mail Mewls

It's typical of Mondays. Folks don't seem to be in a good mood compounded by the fact that they have to deal with all the e-mail that came in over the weekend. Monday is the day I get a ton of e-mails from frustrated Netizens asking for confirmation about their aggravation factor due to this or that in e-mails that they have to deal with today.

So, Mondays here at E-mail Etiquette Matters we will now be called "Monday E-mail Mewls." Complain, vent, whine, gripe -- whatever makes you feel good! As long as it is e-mail etiquette related, get it off your chest! Let others know they are not alone.

Each week on Monday, I'll post my pet peeve that got under my skin based on the e-mail I had to weed through from the weekend past.

This week's Monday E-mail Mewl is about those who just dash off one question e-mails without any greeting or sentence structure let alone a courteous closing. They want an answer on the weekend... in fact practically demand it but can't include a greeting, communicate with clarity or even thank me in advance. Certainly not the way to encourage a response from me during my off-hours!

Got an e-mail pet peeve or gripe from this past weekend's batch of communications? Let's hear about it!

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