Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Spell Names Correctly

Several site visitors to have written recently in regard to the incorrect spelling of their names by those who e-mail them. They are concerned that their names are being spelled wrong when their signature file or the From: field clearly shows the correct spelling of their name.

What should they do? Should they correct the Sender?

It is sad to say, but many onliners have the attention span of a gnat. Most so concerned about typing what they want to say, that they do not pay attention to details. One of them being the correct spelling of the name of the person they are e-mailing.

I have folks who e-mail me as "Judy" -- I'm not a Judy -- I am Judi. If they knew me well enough to get informal and not address me as Judith as I sign most of my e-mails, they would know that. This is a sign of someone getting too friendly or informal too fast. Not good in a business relationship for sure!

Believe it or not I have clients who have typed to me for years as Judy -- even when in my signature file for the past decade I've signed off as Judi. What does that say about the Sender? To me it notes a lack of attention to detail. And, it makes me wonder what else they may not be paying attention to. These folks are also typically the clients that require I resend, repeat or in many cases reiterate conversations or information we discussed in the past. Because they weren't paying attention to details.

So you can see how something as simple as assuming how the informal version of someone's name is spelled or not noticing you are incorrectly spelling it can leave a negative perception.

Take the time and make the effort to ensure you are spelling your contact's names correctly. Little "enuances" like this will go a long way to building strong and productive communications.

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