Tuesday, October 17, 2006

When to Use CC

When is it appropriate to use the CC (Carbon Copy) feature in e-mail? That's a discretionary call that some are unable to properly make. Specifically when I notice that sometimes politics can come into play when using this feature.

Using the CC field is up to one's better judgement based on the situation at hand. And, what is "appropriate" is subjective. As I am sure you know, the most common use is to keep folks involved in a particular issue on the same page. By CC'ing them they are then considered informed but are not required to reply.

Be cautious though, if you CC for political reasons alone don't be surprised when the others involved do the same to you. You could end up looking petty and you should consider if CC'ing certain parties will be received positively.

In addition, do not just hit "reply to all" - if "all" do not need to be involved in the reply. Same goes for forwarding - that is your opportunity to remove anyone noted in the CC or BCC fields.

It is always prudent to remove any recipients that are not necessary to, or interested in, the ongoing conversation and review the addresses on the CC list. Courtesy is not clogging other's inboxes with irrelevant, petty or CYA email that does not apply to them.

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