Thursday, October 12, 2006

I'm Being Ignored!

I've received several similar e-mails over the past couple of weeks like the one below:

I have a friend that always exposes my e-mail address to those I don't know in the To: field. I've sent very nice requests asking to please use the Bcc: field because I am now getting e-mail from other's in the To: field that I don't know. She hasn't responded and continues this practice. I am at my wits end. What do I do?

If this is someone you know and have their phone number, pick up the phone and discuss this with them.

Giving your friend the benefit of the doubt, it could be they are not getting your e-mails. If you don't have a phone number and this is a virtual friendship -- try again and ask why your requests are being ignored on this very serious issue.

You can also point them to my article where I cover the importance of protecting your contact's privacy and security:

Don't Brush Off Privacy!

Exposing your friend's e-mail addresses to folks they don't know is simply irresponsible. The Bcc: field should be used when you e-mail everyone you know and all they have in common is you and don't know each other.

One has to wonder how true of a "friend" this person is if they don't want to acknowledge and accommodate this very serious and legitimate request from you.


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