How soon should you expect a reply to an e-mail? Should you send another e-mail if the first isn't responded to?
One should respond to their incoming e-mail within a day a two. Promptly responding to e-mail is simply the courteous thing to do. I cover that in my Netiquette 101: .
That said, sometimes people are very busy, have computer problems or possibly your e-mail got mixed up in the spam they receive and was accidentally deleted. For example if you do something spammy, like having no text in the Subject: field or typing in all small case could trip some spam filters.
When to send another follow up is up to your discretion and the situation. If it is to someone you know is online all the time, send a follow up in a couple of days asking if everything is O.K. Sending a quick "just checking in" to see if they received your e-mail should hopefully get you a response.
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