Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The "Need" for Netiquette?

Some school teacher out there must have handed out a new assignment. Overnight I received a whole bunch of e-mails, typed in all small case that stated:

"can you illustrate the need for netiquette?"

When I get handfuls of e-mails with the same question, I know these are students who don't want to read my NetManners.com Web site so they can do their homework. They hope I will just reply with a good enough answer so as to help them avoid the hard work. Avoid learning.

That is one of my greatest concerns with the online world (and off-line but that is not the topic for this Blog/Site). Folks not wanting to make the effort to learn, to improve their skills, to better themselves so they can participate with "knowledge, understanding and courtesy." Online, contrary to popular belief, is not a do what you want, when you want without thought or consideration environment.

Yes, there is a "need" for Netiquette and E-mail Etiquette! Just as there is a need for common courtesies off-line. To think that common courtesies, knowledge of the arena in which you are participating and an understanding about how your actions or lack of knowledge will affect others are not needed, would be a sad commentary on our culture, don't you think?

Unless we all make that effort to be courteous, to understand how technology works and how best to use it (and help others to do the smae), we will find that the online world is not as enjoyable of an experience as it once was and still can be.

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