Thursday, October 05, 2006

Sad Commentary on Courtesy

The fact you are reading my Blog shows you care about Netiquette and have an interest in "communicating with knowledge, understanding and courtesy."

Although I've seen a marked increase in the interest level in regard to E-mail Etiquette, there still seems to be overall lack of courtesy from many who e-mail me. I am treated as though I am a public servant here to cater to any e-mailers demands.

Several times each week I am contacted as though it is my job to provide information "free of charge" just because someone wants, needs, desires it. I actually get demands (not requests of working together or partnerships) actually telling me to write about a subject, then e-mail it to them free of charge -- I'm not kidding!!

Numerous times each and every day I am contacted with e-mail etiquette questions. Here again no "appreciate your help" type comments just questions demanding I respond "ASAP!!" Very rarely are there any TIAs (thanks in advance) or similar terms used when requesting my assistance. Tell me now! That's your job!

It may be the change of seasons like the full moon that is causing this trend. But one thing is clear, all too many folks forget that there are living breathing human beings on the other side of these screens. Or they figure since they are not face-to-face, the formalities of being nice and courteous do not matter. News flash -- they do matter! I guess what these terse and demanding folks do not realize is that those of us with free sites who answer e-mails personally, and offer what information we can to help are not obligated in any way to do so.

I do all this Netiquette stuff because I am passionate about the subject. I have and this Blog to help. You think I am making money hands over fist by doing this?? Ask anyone I know what my comment to that is: SMTM! ("Show me the money!")

All these type of e-mail do is let me know to keep on plugging. And that's what I'll do. If we all work together to educate other onliners on the reality of the online world and how important it is to practice E-mail Etiquette and proper technology use, things will slowly change.

One can only hope....

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