Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday's E-mail Mewl: Assuming

I see it every day... assumptions flying all over the place! When it comes to your e-mail activities, you can not, should not, must not assume. Assuming does no good and in the long run causes great harm.

  • Assumptions made about what the other side is thinking. Did they state that is what they were thinking? If not, don't assume.

  • Assumptions made as to what type of person is on the other side. Do you know this person well? Even if you do, can you emphatically state you KNOW what they would do or think in any given situation -- probably not -- so don't assume.

  • Assumptions made about a person's level of education or intelligence. That's a tough one -- even I do so on occasion and have to put myself in check. Try very hard to not assume here -- until everyone realizes the power of perception, they will continue to send typo filled, grammatically incorrect, error laden e-mails -- regardless of their level of intelligence!

  • Assumptions offered in answer to a query or question that are not correct. Read the question or query completely, entirely, before answering. Your assumption can make you look like the one not paying attention to the conversation.
These are just a few of the areas where I see assumptions taking over to hinder communications and enhance misunderstandings.

You do know what happens when you assume? Before you assume -- ask for clarification.


Rodney said...

Not assuming is such wonderful advice for the whole of life - just like so much of Judith's observations about e-mail.

Judith said...

Hey, Rodney:

Thank you for your kind words and support!
