Thursday, December 14, 2006

How To Inform About E-mail Etiquette?

How do you politely inform your friends who do not practice proper E-mail Etiquette that they need to bone up on the subject?

That's a tough one... In my years of experience no matter how polite or "nice" you are in trying to explain the nuances of proper e-mail etiquette, many get defensive, have hurt feelings and some get downright mad!

I get e-mailed daily asking for a "nice way" to tell someone to not do this or that. What I then adivse is to find the appropriate area on my site or one of my E-mail Etiquette articles that covers the issues you are concerned about and when on that specific page, click on the little blue envelope at the top right of the page with SEND after it and you can send them a link to that page.

By using the above, or by just sending them directly to my free E-mail Etiquette 101 Tutorial download, you are sending them to a valuable resource so they can read and learn rather than making them feel as though you are correcting them.

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