Shopping is safe online as those of you with full fledged eCom sites can attest. However, many still stress their concerns about security and credibility to me on a regular basis. I have had several folks request recently if I could provide the basics tips one should use to know all is well. Ask and ye shall receive! ;-) Here you go:
- Create a Bookmark/Favorites Folder for Online Purchases. Any site that you do pruchase items from, bookmark them to that folder for easy access at a later date. You wouldn't believe how many folks buy things, then don't remember the site they purchased from when they do not receive a confirmation e-mail (yes, some sites still do not confirm orders by e-mail).
- Create a folder in your e-mail program as well for online purchases filing any correspondence or confirmations there for easy future reference.
- Always expect an email confirmation with 24 hours of making an online purchase acknowledging the receipt of your order. If you do not receive such an e-mail, return to the site and request an update of your order.
- Before inputting your personal and credit card information, be sure the site is secure by looking for the locked or highlighted padlock in your browser which indicates the connection is secure. I am always amazed at the number of sites I run into where they do not go through the process and expense of encrypting your information! This indicates either they do not know how, do not know that they should, or worse yet they do not want to incur the expense of doing so. Also look for an https: in the location bar. If the site is framed, meaning, only parts of the page are secured, there will be a lock icon within the framed portion of the site. If the site is not secure DO NOT purchase from them online.
- Look for online stores with easy-to-understand customer service statements that include return policies, shipping terms, and a privacy policy. If these basics are not in place - find another site!
- Don't hesitate to use an online merchant's toll free telephone number to get questions answered or clarify information from their web site - BEFORE - you order.
- Be cautious if you're asked to supply personal information such as your SS number or bank account numbers. This information is rarely necessary for online transactions.
- Look for a well designed credible site that gives you the confidence they will back the products and services they sell. A quality site lets you know they take their image and their perceived perception seriously and have the business savvy necessary to realize the importance of their online appearance. If the site looks home brewed or amateurish, look for a another site for the products or services you seek. No need to work with a low-end site that makes one wonder what other issues they have cut corners on when you do have a plethora of ptjer choices online. Those that do not spend the expense or effort to have a professional site, in my experience, also do not get other very important aspects of doing business or they would do whatever is necessary to give you the perception of credibility.
- Contact information also lends credibility to an online store - it should be easy to locate on the site. There should be phone numbers, an off-line mailing address, fax number and email address. If this basic contact information is not made available to potential customers, one has to wonder why they are avoiding making contact information available. You may want to print the contact page as well so you have this information at your finger tips at a later date if necessary.
- Print out a copy of your completed online order form or order confirmation page as a paper record of your transaction.
- After you have received your items, always keep receipts and shipping materials in case you need to make a return.
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