Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How do I handle unasked for IM/AIM/ICQ requests?

Whenever you are "online" either through IM, AIM or ICQ, you can get other users who probably don't know you asking to be added to your contact list. Some give a first name and some don't. Since you do not know for sure if you know the person on the other side or not, what is the best way to respond?

First of all, I only allow contact with those on my approved list or they have to ask to be added. That is simply a good instant messaging practice so you are not inundated by IM spammers or weirdos looking to communicate with total strangers.

Here is what I say when I refuse a request to be added to my approved list:

"I'm sorry, as I am sure you can understand, I do not approve additions to my contact list from those who do not give me the courtesy of introducing themselves by name and including why they want to communicate with me. Have a great day!"

This way, in case it is some you know, you haven't offended them. Folks should understand why you are taking caution in giving access to anyone who does not identify who they are and their intentions. That's just common sense!

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