Thursday, July 12, 2007

NSFW = Not Safe For Work

I was interviewed recently on my view in regard to the use of the acronym NSFW. Apparently some felt that an acronym noting "Not Safe For Work", is necessary when sending e-mail to those they knew were at work to warn them that the content or links contained within were of a questionable nature and not proper for the work environment.

My reaction was there is no need for such an acronym. By virtue of having to type it should tell any astute person that they should have enough common sense and respect to not send e-mails with questionable content to someone's work e-mail.

And, to those who have others sending you e-mails that need this acronym noted to warn you, you should be a responsible employee and tell the Sender to no longer use your business e-mail address for anything not business related. At that time you can also provide your personal e-mail address for e-mails of that nature.

It amazes me in this day and time how we spend so much time creating ways to justify things we know we shouldn't be doing in the first place. Using company e-mail for anything other than company business should include this acronym: IUE (Irresponsible Unreliable Employee).


KStover said...

Having been out of work for 1 and 1/2 of the last three years I have come to appreciate the fragile nature of the business environment. It's difficult not to be tempted especially if your employer sells sexy underwear near the front register but temptation is to be avoided at all cost while working. Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Judith said...

Thanks for your comments! How true! You really need to behave properly while on the job -- no matter what it takes. Basically, it's called discretion and discipline. Features of which combined with a dash of character provides an employee with the opportunity of a prospering career!
