Tuesday, May 01, 2007

CAPS vs. all small case

A site visitor writes:

I actually just wanted to make a suggestion for the folks who use caps lock because they can't use the shift key: just leave your whole message in lowercase. It may look a little "casual," but most people will still prefer it over all caps. Just a thought.
Hmmm... I guess if you have a choice, most would prefer all small case to all caps. However, unless you are handicapped or visually impaired, there really is no reason to not capitalize sentences properly.

Hitting the shift key really is no effort. Those who are not proficient typers may find having to hit the shift key an PIA but in the long run, you will be taken more seriously by making this effort.

For those who are unable to use the shift key for whatever reason, simply add a little note as part of your signature file that is appended to every e-mail. For example:
Jane Doe

P.S. Please excuse my typing in all small case. My arthritis is such that hitting the shift key is unbearable. Thank you for your understanding...
As you can tell, simply communicating why you do certain things can make all the difference in the world. Simply not wanting to take the time to communicate properly, however, isn't a very good excuse.

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