I thought I would share with you an e-mail I received from a site visitor in regard to my E-mail Etiquette Quiz:
Site Visitor: In your Netiquette Quiz; QUESTION: 9
The correct answer was A. The reason for Answer 9 is to "not reply promptly gives the perception you don't care."
In your quiz you give the above answer. The proper answer is c. I don't have to reply at all. I WANT the person to perceive that I don't care! (Name Withheld)
Wow! I can't imagine he feels that way about every e-mail, but none-the-less he felt the need to send me the above comment trying to correct me! E-mail Etiquette is a set of guidelines for folks to use so that they are perceived as someone who is a pleasure to communicate with. One can ignore every single bit of information on the topic if they so choose.
The answer stands as this person's response is the exception not the rule. And if one doesn't care, at least have they should have the intestinal fortitude to e-mail the person(s) in question and tell them how they feel instead of hiding behind their screen or expecting me to change the right answer to something else.
If he doesn't care or want people he e-mails to care, it seems to me he is pretty good at getting that across.
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