Monday, October 02, 2006

Finding the Bcc:

Many e-mail about how I am always harping about using Bcc: to shield your contact's e-mail addresses from strangers. They then note that I don't mention how to find the BCC: feature. Actually I do in an article on my site (see below) that has also been mentioned in previous posts.

Where is the BCC? How do you find it?

Part of this problem is the Bcc: is not in your face with some programs. In some cases it isn't easy to find and you have to search for the Bcc: option. I use Eudora where the Bcc: field is visible just waiting for you to put in e-mail addresses. However, for other software and Web based sites, here is what you do:

First, start a new message, then:

  • In Outlook, if Bcc: isn't showing, create a message, and from the View menu, click Bcc: Field.

  • In Outlook Express, click View >All Headers.

  • In Netscape, click the TO: button, then double-click Bcc:.

  • In AOL, put the Bcc: addresses in the "Copy To" box, using parentheses and separating each address with a comma.

  • In Yahoo!, click Add Bcc:.

  • Bcc: on Mac mail: Open a new email. In the bottom left of the title block is the Customize button. a menu opens, click on "Bcc Address Field". This will appear on all future e-mails.

  • Seamonkey: Click on the "To:" button and highlight "Bcc".

The Bcc: feature should be used when e-mailing a bunch of onliners who don't know each other because you don't want to publish other's e-mail addresses without their permission.

If anyone wants to contribute to "How to Find the Bcc:" on software or platforms I've not mentioned above, please do send me an e-mail and I will be pleased to add your information to my list and article "Don't Brush Off Privacy!".

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