Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Internal Signature Files

Should you have a different signature file for internal communications? I say sure; why not!?

What I think happens is most use their one signature file with all their contact information appended to every e-mail they send. Either they are too lazy to choose another signature file to reflect who they are communicating with and the intended tone, or more than likely they don't know they have the option of using multiple signature files.

You should have a signature file that you switch to for internal e-mail. Those you work with don't need all your contact information -- they already have it. If you think about it, you can have a signature file for every situation and type of contact.

I have over 100 different signature files that I use on a regular basis! I choose which one to use when completing each e-mail to reflect the level of formality based on who I am communicating with. I have wacky ones, fun ones, professional ones and very serious ones. Some have my favorite quotes, while others promote my product du jour. There is no limit to the number of signature files you can create and use. Go for it!

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