Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Greetings Matter

Too busy to type a Hello or Hi? Do you think that it isn't necessary to include a brief greeting at the beginning of your e-mails?

Then, know that you may be coming off as terse or being perceived as bossy. The little effort it takes to type a Hey, John!, Hi, Jane: or a Hello, Sally: can make all the difference in the world in setting the tone of your e-mail. It is well worth your time to type those 10-15 extra characters!

When you call folks on the phone, you don't just start babbling without brief intro do you? If you do, then those you are calling probably cringe when they hear your voice. Same goes for e-mail. People prefer to communicate with those who show the basic courtesies and present themselves in a friendly manner.

Tiny little courtesies, such as including a greeting with every e-mail instead of just blurting out your comments, demands or questions, will go a long way to being perceived as someone who is a pleasure to communicate with. You don't want folks cringing when they see your name in their inbox do you?

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