Daily e-mails pour in about what to do in regard to situations involving work related e-mail. Many times these problems could have been avoided if folks just used some common sense and discretion in how they use their employer's resources.
A good general rule of thumb is to not put anything in a business e-mail that you wouldn't feel comfortable putting on company letterhead. This includes your choice of formatting, formality and verbiage. Discretion also comes into play when e-mailing with those in your office or company -- you still should watch your P's and Q's. Business is business.
To that advice some have responded that if their employer doesn't have an e-mail policy in place "anything goes." Believe that and you will be the first to go!
When at work, respect your employer's resources. Only use your company e-mail for business purposes and only use your personal e-mail when on your own time. Think before you type, think again before you send. You are a representative of your company and you need to make a professional impression with each and every e-mail.
For more tips, check out my very popular article: Business E-mail Basics
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